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  • Eva Traumann - Twinkle 2
  • Eva Traumann - Twinkle 2
  • Attachments for digital printing pictures
  • Attachments for digital printing pictures 2
  • Fixings politarp banners 1
  • Fixings politarp banners 2

Eva Traumann - Twinkle 2

This new form to create art, next to the great possibilities that the digital impression offers, has allowed making a hollow to this way of artistic expression, from which of some way a sophisticated and elegant decoration benefits. Between the main advantages, it would be the possibility that offers the technique to maintain the individual expression of each work in the right proportional dimension to the necessity of each one, that is to say, without standardized sizes, Art 2.0. For this presentation that Eva Traumann offers through https://www.temasarte.com , we recommended an acrylic crystal support (to see more images), the final aspect of the digital picture is the same of a last generation computer’s  screen  (2 mm + base to hold = 5 mm in thickness). It continues with the digital impression on paper, at the most professional high level to offer a perfect interpretation of the classic style, although we see the possibility of innovating. A very interesting offer is the digital impression on fabric, linen cloth or canvas plasticized with grommets’ reinforcement for a suitable subjection. At the moment, this system is used very often for the commercial design in hotels, restaurants, pubs, receptions, showcases and glass cabinets.
Each picture goes signed by the artist and in addition it goes accompanied with a Certificate of Authenticity. It is for that reason that Eva is directly in charge of the right accomplishment of its order. Therefore, the purchase of an Eva Traumann work of art will have to be in a separate order to any other article of our catalogue.
For the presentation of our digital pictures, we have chosen three sizes on acrylic crystal, although if you prefer another presentation or size (special measures), please do not hesitate to ask. We are here to help you.
According to the digital pictures’ size and weight, the same incorporates in its back part a fixation system that assures a vertical position.
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Acrylic glass / canvasSize PriceBuy
Acrylglas33,6 x 22,2 cm
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Acrylglas53,6 x 35,4 cm
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Acrylglas93,6 x 61,8 cm
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Politarp banners106,3x70,2 cm
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Politarp banners146,3x96,5 cm
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