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Montserrat Ribes: She was born in Sabadell (Barcelona, Spain) on 18 th. February 1949. From 1969 to 1972, she studied Applied Arts at the Sant Jordi School of Fine Arts in Barcelona. Between 1973 and 1975, she graduated in the specialities of engraving, printing, relief, restoration, window dressing, ceramics and interior decorating. She won the Biennial Art Exhibition in Sevilla in 1975 and she was finalist at the Biennial Art Exhibition in Madrid, also in 1975. One year later she was awarded the second prize at the Biennial Contemporary Art exhibition in Barcelona. She opened her own school in her home town, Sabadell (1979-1998)and since then, she has held a total of 34 personal exhibitions in art galleries in Madrid, Barcelona, Paris and Rome. Her sculptures can be found in squares and parks in various Spanish towns, in all the national museums devoted to this sculptural speciality, and in the Pressepio Museum in the Vatican.
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