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    He was born in Bilbao und studied graphics, industry design, painting and sculpture in Bilbao, Madrid, Paris und Brussels. Back in Bilbao he was working in ateliers of Jorge Oteiza and Néstor Bastarrechea. Actuality he is preparing in cooperation with Jorge Oteiza the “„Medallística del II Congreso Mundial Vasco“. Together with the architects D. Luis Blanco Soler, D. Pedro Vilata, D. Álvaro Libano, D. Francisco Hurtado de Saracho und D. Marino Garcia Benito he was working at public buildings.

    José Luís Pequeño participated in many national and international exhibitions and received honours. His works you find in Museums, also in public and private collections. His sculptures are dynamically, feeling-stressed and in his natural form finished after the models of the royal animal kingdom. Very special are his robbery birds, singing birds and pigeons with their light design and their big liberty.


                1962 "Cuatro dibujantes jóvenes", Oviedo, Gijón.

                1969 I Bienal Luso-Espanhola dos Artes e Letras, Lisabon, Madrid.

                1973 VI Bienal de Pintura y Escultura, Zaragoza, Palacio de la Lonja, Zaragoza.

                1974 IV Bienal del Deporte en las Bellas Artes, Madrid. Cristal Building, Bilbao

                1975 Artistas Vascos en Fuenterrabía. Asociación Española contra el Cáncer, Zaragoza

                1976 Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao. Athogar, Bilbao. Artesport '76, Bilbao.

                1977 Galería Araba, Vitoria. Caja Laboral Popular , Guernica. 

                1977 Galeria Simancas, Santander. 

                1977 II Bienal de Pintura y Escultura, Santander. Gran Casino del · Sardinero, Santander.

                1978 Asociación Vizcaína de Marketing. Grupo 77 de Dibujantes, Bilbao. 

    1978 Grupo PAC, Bilbao. 

                1978 Galería Dach, Bilbao.

                1979 Forma Gallery, Florida, USA.

                1979 Aterpe de Umbemendi, Laukiniz, Vizcaya.

                1979 Galería Aritza, Bilbao. 

                1979 Eurobuilding, Madrid.

                1980 Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Telmo. 

                1980 VIII Salón de Invierno, Málaga. 

                1980 Galería Windsor, Bilbao.

                1981 Salas del Banco de Bilbao. 

                1981 Debret, Zürich.

                1982 IV Biennale de Sculpture, Lórangerie, Tourcoing. Staatsgalerie, Hannover.

                1983 Ferias Internacionales de Arte Contemporáneo: Arco´83, Bilbao.

                1984 Bowski, Luxembourg. Gallery D´Asburg, Madrid.

                1984 Frankfurter  Kunstkabinett, Franckfurt.

                1985 Galería Serie Diseño, Madrid y Barcelona. 

                1985 I bienal Iberoamericana de Arte Seriado , Sevilla.

                1986 Kotsbrug, Munich, Galería Varrón, Salamanca. Enebro, Segovia.

                1987 Bizkaiko, Artea, Bilbao. Galería Décaro, Madrid.

                1988 Aula de Cultura de la Caja Postal, Santander - San Sebastián

                1988 Espace Sotemeca, Paris. 

                1988 Série -Disseny, Barcelona.


    His works you find in museums and public and private collections:


                Vann Beunningen, Rotterdam.

                Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Sevilla

                Palacio de la Lonja, Zaragoza.

                Mussée des Beaux Arts, Montbéliard, France

                Museo de Bellas Artes de Santander

                Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes, Málaga


                Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Madrid.


    2 result(s)
    José Luís Pequeño - bird "Astral"

    José Luís Pequeño - bird "Astral"

    They mainly emphasize the elegance and simplicity. Always able to open us to a particular vision of the nature. In this case, a ... 

    José Luís Pequeño - Dog sculpture "Madrigal"

    José Luís Pequeño - Dog sculpture "Madrigal"

    ?Madrigal is a Yorkshire, a lap dog. Little, lovely and yapping. Sometimes he lifts up his choice, but they don?t fear ? This one does not bark.


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