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All figures are in a limited edition and with personal certificate.

Elisa began to make ceramic dolls in a little workshop in 1965. The dolls proved a big success and their acceptance led to the creation of an independent craft production unit. Ever since then, this operation has maintained the same painstaking care of manufacture and exceptional creativity, producing original pieces of the highest quality, some of which have won important prizes. Elisa's staff is formed by young enthusiastic people, wich gives a special personality to every aspect of the company. . Having consolidated itself in the Spanish market as a leader in image, responsibility and service. Elisa has extended its activity to the global market, with significant increases in exports in recent years. Since the time of its founding, Elisa has made products of different types and functions, always by traditional methods and to the highest standards of craftsmanship. Sculptures now form the company's most import line of production. Indeed, this is hardly surprising since Elisa sculptures, imbued with peace and serenity, reflect the many varied aspects of everyday life, lending them a universal appeal.

1 result(s)
Elisa - "Aroma"  de luxe euro 750
640,00 1.280,00

Elisa - "Aroma" de luxe euro 750

"Like ivy adhering to the wall, the aroma of a memory adheres to our mind forever". Montserrat Ribes.

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