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  • Family of penguins - DeRosa - Rinconada
  • Familia de pingüinos - DeRosa - Rinconada Pingüino bebé deslizandose
  • Familia de pingüinos - DeRosa - Rinconada Pingüino bebé caminando
  • Familia de pingüinos - DeRosa - Rinconada Pingüino con bebé f103
  • Familia de pingüinos - DeRosa - Rinconada Familia de pingüinos

Family of penguins - DeRosa - Rinconada

DeRosa - Rinconada
Family of penguins. Glazed ceramic. Details in gold and platinum.
Collection of little figures of Rinconada, in this occasion, is animal families.
Each Artesania DeRosa Rinconada ceramic sculpture is hand-carved and detailed from fine grain earthenware ceramic material. The sculpture is fired and then decorated with a hand application of enamel colors and glazes to accent and highlight individual design characteristics. Each enamel glaze is then re-fired individually in order to preserve it's distinctive coloration.
Because variations occur in carving style and paint selection of each piece, no two figurines are exactly the same. This results in each figurine being a unique piece of collectible art.
Size: 8 x 7 x 5 cm. 9 x 7 x 11 cm uand 7 x 5 x 8 cm. (approximately).
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Baby penguin sliding
Family of penguins - DeRosa - Rinconada Baby penguin sliding
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Baby penguin walking
Family of penguins - DeRosa - Rinconada Baby penguin walking
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Penguin with baby f103
Family of penguins - DeRosa - Rinconada Penguin with baby f103
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Family of penguins
Family of penguins - DeRosa - Rinconada Family of penguins
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