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Ideas and suggestions for Valentine's Day:
Well here they are. If you are not sure what to give for Valentine's Day, I have created for you a list of various items, from sculptures to wooden bookmarks that I hope will serve as an idea for that gift you are looking for. From the romanticism of the scenes that Sonata Gallery suggests to hang on the walls, or preside over that shelf in your house, to the sculptures that Ángeles Anglada designs for it. And more proposals that will be added, kisses, hugs... each artist contributes their own and is within the reach of any budget.

91 - 108 of 181 result(s)
Bronze sculpture in frame with clock "Melody under the stars" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture in frame with clock "Melody under the stars" - Sonata Gallery

SG 166 "Melody Under the Stars", George Roumanas -SONATA GALLERY.A night walk, a street sax melody under the spotlight of a lamppost. all under a sky ...
Sonata Gallery - Marco "Let's dance a waltz" bronze

Sonata Gallery - Marco "Let's dance a waltz" bronze

Sonata Gallery - Wooden frame "we dance a waltz" bronze. SG635Wooden frame and bronze sculpture scene.Author George Roumanos.Size: 20x30 cm.Pending he...
Sonata Gallery - "I took three stars for you." Bronze figures scene on wood frame.

Sonata Gallery - "I took three stars for you." Bronze figures scene on wood frame.

"I took three stars for you". Bronze figures scene on wood frame. SG558. Author: George Roumanas. Sonata Gallery. TemasarteSize: 4 x 20 x 30 cm.I gift...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Approach"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Approach"

Ref.: 534"Approach", Angeles Anglada.January 2019.New in the couples collection that stands out for the nuances of its design.Measures: 13 25/32" x 3 ...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Memories"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Memories"

‘’A dream to achieve, a future to come, a goal to reach…In hands of two hearts, with a single destination to share’’. T...
Sonata Gallery -  "Stairway to Heaven"

Sonata Gallery - "Stairway to Heaven"

Lets escape,  let's leave it all and live a new life ...  where the only thing that worries us is open our eyes each morning  and see t...
Angeles Anglada - Cadence (table clock)

Angeles Anglada - Cadence (table clock)

"Cadence" by Angeles Anglada is a nice romantic composition of a sculpture and a table clock.Measures: 25 x 12 x 26 cm. (10" x 4 3/4" x 10 1/2").Mater...
Sonata Gallery - "Moon beats". Bronze figures scene on wood frame.

Sonata Gallery - "Moon beats". Bronze figures scene on wood frame.

"Moon beats." Bronze figures scene on wood frame. George Roumnas, Sonata Gallery. Ref.: SG827.TemasarteSize: 4 x 20 x 40 cm.Accompanied beats, beats t...
Sonata Gallery - "Staircase to the sky". Bronze figures scene on wood frame.

Sonata Gallery - "Staircase to the sky". Bronze figures scene on wood frame.

"Staircase to the sky". Bronze figures scene on wood frame. George Roumanas, Sonata Gallery. Ref.: SG190.TemasarteSize: 4 x 25 x 25 cm.Step on a step,...
Angeles ANGLADA - Sculpture "Together"

Angeles ANGLADA - Sculpture "Together"

Ref. 502"Together" by Angeles Anglada.September 2017Sculpture that increases the romantic collection of couples.Measures: 5 ½" x 6" x 12 &...
Bronze sculpture in frame "Come on, champ!" - Sonata Gallery

Bronze sculpture in frame "Come on, champ!" - Sonata Gallery

SG 229 "Come on Champ!", George Roumanas -SONATA GALLERY-.Dimensions:4 x 15 x 60 cm. (1,6 x 5,90 x 23,6")Materials: Scene Bronze figures on wooden fra...
Bronzeskulptur im Rahmen "Castellets" - Sonata Gallery

Bronzeskulptur im Rahmen "Castellets" - Sonata Gallery

SG 324 "Castellets", George Roumanas -SONATA GALLERY-.Dimensions:4 x 20 x 50 cm. (1,6 x 7,90 x 19,7")Materials: Scene Bronze figures on wooden frame t...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Esteem"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Esteem"

"Esteem" is a romantic sculpture by Angeles Anglada included in what's new for this year. Especially recommended for couples gifts and "Valentine's Da...
Angeles Anglada -Sculpture "Kiss" Ref. 319

Angeles Anglada -Sculpture "Kiss" Ref. 319

Another sensual and romantic  scuplture by Angeles Anglada called "Kiss" its style and finish transports us to a love of the past, a hidden time,...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Moments"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Moments"

"Moments" is a romantic sculpture by Angeles Anglada, which arguably, despite being incomplete or fractional, interprets and hints at a perfect love a...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Warmness" Ref 535

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Warmness" Ref 535

Ref.: 535"Warmness", Angeles Anglada.January 2019.New in the couples collection that stands out for the nuances of its design.Measures: 11,81 x 8,27 x...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Link"
163,00 181,00

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Link"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Link".Sculpture of linked torsos, included in the "Couples" collection.Mixed technique, with a resin figure, with a bronz...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "accomplices"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "accomplices"

"Accomplices" sculpture, from Angeles Anglada.Included in the "Couples" collection.Mixed technique, with resin figure, with bronze finish and steel su...
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