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Ideas and suggestions for Valentine's Day:
Well here they are. If you are not sure what to give for Valentine's Day, I have created for you a list of various items, from sculptures to wooden bookmarks that I hope will serve as an idea for that gift you are looking for. From the romanticism of the scenes that Sonata Gallery suggests to hang on the walls, or preside over that shelf in your house, to the sculptures that Ángeles Anglada designs for it. And more proposals that will be added, kisses, hugs... each artist contributes their own and is within the reach of any budget.

109 - 126 of 181 result(s)
Angeles Anglada _ Sculpture "On the spot" Ref. 525

Angeles Anglada _ Sculpture "On the spot" Ref. 525

Ref.: 525Sculptress: ANGELES ANGLADA"ON THE SPOT"31 x 15 x 33 cm12½" x 6" x 13¾"Resin with bronze decoration  
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Tangle"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Tangle"

Ref.: 536"Tangle", Angeles Anglada.January 2019.New in the couples collection that stands out for the nuances of its design.Measures: 13,78 x 9,84 x 1...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Closeness"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Closeness"

Sculpture "Approach", Ref. 527, by Ángeles Anglada Temasarte.Material: Resin decorated in oxide.Measurements: 29 x18 x 40 cm."Refugio" is a scu...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Comfort"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Comfort"

Sculpture "Comfort", Ref. 554, by Ángeles Anglada - TemasarteMaterial: Resin decorated in oxide.Measurements: 29 x18 x 40 cm."Comfort" is a scu...
Angeles Anglada - Sculture "Seduction"

Angeles Anglada - Sculture "Seduction"

Sculpture "Seduction", Ref. 547, by Ángeles Anglada Temasarte.Intuition tells me that, once the moment of seduction progresses, the desire pass...
Sculpture "Innocence" - Angeles Anglada

Sculpture "Innocence" - Angeles Anglada

Sculpture "Innocence" - Angeles AngladaRef.: 368Material: Decorated resin and oxide finish33 x 25 x 34cm13¼" x 10" x 13½"
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Desire"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Desire"

Sculpture "Desire", Ref. 206, by Ángeles Anglada Temasarte."Desire" is a romantic sculpture that, from Temasarte, I recommend for gifts for cou...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Suspension"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Suspension"

Ref. 558."Suspension" von Angeles Anglada.9 ½ "x 5" x 13 ½ ".  24 x 13 x 34 cmHarz mit Bronzefinish.
Angeles Anglada - "Till Eternity"

Angeles Anglada - "Till Eternity"

Ref. 545"Till Eternity" by Angeles AngladaThe start of a project, the beginning of a sole path, shared hopes, a future to go through is the trip until...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Awakening"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Awakening"

"Awakening"CharacteristicsRef 505"Awakening" by Angeles AngladaSculpture that increases the "romantic collection of couples"Dimensions: 12 ½ "x...
Ángeles Anglada - "Tango"

Ángeles Anglada - "Tango"

Ref.: 518."Tango", Angeles Anglada.February 2018.Sculpture that increases the romantic collection of couples.Measures: 11½ x 7¾ x 12&fra...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Work's Allegory"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Work's Allegory"

Please click in "+pictures" to see enlargement!  “Work Allegory” is a sculpture very appropriate to award intentions, to recognize ef...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Pretext"
181,00 202,00

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Pretext"

"Pretext" Angels Anglada, is a classic sculpture, which stands out above all the feeling of calm harmony that is set to a couple. When the excuses abo...
Angeles Anglada - "Interval"

Angeles Anglada - "Interval"

Ref. 559."Interval", by Angeles Anglada.26 x 10 x 31 cm.10 ¼ "x 4" x 12 ¼ ".Resin with bronze finish.
Angeles Anglada - Encounter

Angeles Anglada - Encounter

Angeles Anglada - Encounter 32 x 19 x 12 cm. Series limited to 4999 units.
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Echo"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture "Echo"

Sculpture "Eco" -Ref.388, by Angeles Anglada - Temasarte.Rusty composition for the "Couples" collection.Measurements: 21 x 18 x 46 cm.8½" x 7&f...
Angeles Anglada - Sculpture Inspiration"

Angeles Anglada - Sculpture Inspiration"

Ref.: 526Escultora / Bildhauerin / SculptressANGELES ANGLADA"INSPIRACION" / "INSPIRATION"26 x 15 x 37 cm10¼" x 6" x 14¾"Resina decorada ...
Ángeles Anglada - Sculpture "Delight"

Ángeles Anglada - Sculpture "Delight"

Ref.: 519"Delight", Angeles Anglada.February 2018.Sculpture that increases the romantic collection of couples.Measures: 11½" x 8¾" x 15&...
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