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  • Lorenzo Quinn - After Love E 3.499
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Lorenzo Quinn - After Love E 3.499


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"In a marriage you must be at once, great lovers and best of friends. The union must go beyond love, a love which must outlast the heat of the first instants. This love must last even after love. Only during these intimate moments do the real problems which threaten a relationship begin to surface. It is then that one must remember the promises made to each other as well as the path travelled together. The sculpture depicts two hands - one male, the other female - wrestling to overcome the dilemmas associated with every marriage. Here, I tried to capture the ‘give and take’ necessary for a marriage to flourish." LORENZO QUINN

Year of creation: 2000 - SOLD OUT EDITION -  
Artist: Lorenzo Quinn
Material: Bronze plated
Tamaño: 7" x 13" x 7" (19 x 35 x 18 cm).

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    despues del amor

    he estado durante 16 meses anhelando poseer la escultura y al fin lo he logrado,es una maravilla su contemplacion,elegante,delicada,de una realidad increible,soy una afortunada.Pilar,Mallorca

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