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  • Adjustable Palo Santo and steel bracelet - T-mas Bijou
  • Adjustable Palo Santo and steel bracelet - T-mas Bijou

Adjustable Palo Santo and steel bracelet - T-mas Bijou

Adjustable Palo Santo and steel bracelet - T-mas Bijou
Aroma of palo santo, protection and the beauty of hearts of steel. Made with macrame knots, so they fit any size wrist.
Palo santo is a type of sacred wood used by shamans to purify environments and in healing rituals. It grows wild in Central and South America, although due to the extraordinary properties it has, it is also cultivated for the market generated in this regard. Both the wood and the essential oils obtained are used, so it is easy to find it in different formats, both for burning and for making furniture and ornaments. The smell that it gives off naturally (without burning) provides a pleasant sensation but, in general and to take advantage of it, it is usually used to burn and spread its white smoke throughout environments that we want to cleanse of negative energies, removing sensations such as sadness, depression and bad mood.
It repels mosquitoes and other insects and due to its pleasant smell, it is also used for meditation and combating bad odors.
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