Ana Bejar, a multidisciplinary sculptor of adorable women
23.02.2012Dear customer, From, I would like to invite you to meet Ana Bejar, sculptor of femininity idolized...

Dear customer,
From, I would like to invite you to meet Ana Bejar, sculptor of femininity idolized.
Ana Béjar began sculpting in stone in the mid-eighties and was one of the co-founders of the Association of Sculptors Pablo Gargallo, a Saragossa group dedicated to recovering the traditional Aragon style of sculpture. During the nineties she started with oil paintings and held numerous exhibitions and sculpture courses which promoted multiple art projects in collaboration with other artists. In 2002, she opened a workshop in Ayerbe in Huesca, with the objective to lay out sufficient space to carry out works of a higher dimension.
Some of her highlighted works are "The Lady of Ayerbe" (2004), "Adam and the Sun Goddess," for the European Fantastic Art Center in Eben-Emael (Belgium) in 2006 and the "Monument to the Water boy" (2007). Throughout her long career she has received several awards and made many solo and group exhibitions in Aragon, other Spanish and European countries like France, Portugal, Belgium and Norway.
From the stone, one of the toughest and undying materials, she gradually passed on to wood and eventually flowed out into using different materials and paintings on canvases. Finally, she discovered the technique of fusing together different types of materials, which she still works on at present, creating a type of modern sculpture and are of exclusive productivity.
This allows great freedom of expression for one to have the capacity to build with simultaneous textures and easily add polychromy. "It is the synthesis of techniques and materials that coexist in the final works and are renewed and cleansed” - explains the artist.
" Most of my sculptures, their names, their symbolic details, comes from another world. From an unconcious world of dreams of our forefathers and of intuition. After finishing my sculptures I realize that these symbols belong to all mankind. Create the truth is to get lost. "