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I have got news! I have the opportunity to present to you a sculpture by Lorenzo Quinn. A friend of mine, Mr. X, has decided to let go (due to on avoidable crisis) of one of this very valuable and exclusive sculpture, which is also available in our collection. It is bronze and acquired directly from the artist himself. I present the sculpture “Time flies”.

Dear art lovers,
I have got news! I have the opportunity to present to you a sculpture by Lorenzo Quinn. A friend of mine, Mr. X, has decided to let go (due to on avoidable crisis) of one of this very valuable and exclusive sculpture, which is also available in our collection. It is bronze and acquired directly from the artist himself.
I present the sculpture “Time flies”.
Lorenzo produces 2 editions, one of 10 units (39 x 14 x 14 cm) and the other corresponds to a smaller edition, which I can offer, are  of 125 units (28,5 x 11 x 11 cm). Both editions are sculpted in bronze with a marble base.
The actual market price is 8750 €, taxes includes and keeping in mind that this edition’s price is at the moment fixed in the market.
However, I have the pleasure and possibility to offer to all my clients this sculpture for 6999 €, shipping costs excluded, to all final destination.
Like all of his sculptures, Lorenzo Quinn adds a phrase to this piece as a personal interpretation:
“Modern man thinks he loses something - time - when he does not do things quickly; yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains - except kill it”.
Erich Fromm, “The Art of Loving” (1956)
For any doubts or questions, contact us directly at https://www.temasarte.com. Special orders will be regarded as a priority and registered clients will not in any way be compromised.
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